Have a Defective PVA Mop? Please Read This Carefully! Each month we receive hundreds of phone calls and emails about defective PVA mops. Most of these inquiries relate to PVA mops purchased at Home Shows, Boat Shows, Flea Markets, and State Fairs. The majority of these PVA mops are not The Super PVA Mop (our brand). Our mops are primarily sold through major distributors like McMaster-Carr, Demco, and W.W. Grainger.
Please determine if your mop is The Super PVA Mop: 1. Did you order by phone or online from us? If, yes, please email customer service or call us at: 1-877-574-2669! We're ready to assist you. If not, please check the next few questions. 2. Is your PVA mop blue, purple, pink, or another color other than green/silver or green/yellow? If yes, please see the last paragraph and fill out the form. If no, please see #3. 3. Does your PVA mop have a green sponge, a green housing, and a silver or yellow handle? If yes, does it have "The Super" logo imprinted on the housing? If yes, please email customer service or call us at 1-877-574-2669. 4. Does your PVA mop have a green sponge, a green housing, a yellow handle, and a label with a UPC bar code? If yes, it is a cheap "knock-off" and is not our product. Please see the next paragraph and fill out the form.
If you have determined that your mop is not The Super PVA Mop, please take a moment to subscribe to a special email giving you all of the details including phone numbers for other suppliers of PVA mops. We also have a special offer at the end of the email.
To receive an email with the contact information for companies that sell PVA Mops at home shows, flea markets, and state fairs, please fill out this simple form. Please make certain your email or spam blocker is set to allow emails from: sales@super-cool-products.com
To Order Call Toll Free: 1-877-574-2669 (1-630-563-0178) Copyright 2003 to 2025 - Super Cool Products, Inc. and The Super.com, Inc. - All Rights Reserved